Call or Text: 636-358-2225
Email: office@stillwaterkennel.com
Stillwater Kennel & Game Farm

Training - We are currently not taking new customers for any training services at this time.
Basic Obedience Training - $300 per Week (5-6 Week Average)
Trainers: Ron Garringer, Christen Butler
Stillwater Kennel's basic obedience training program is offered to all dog breeds and focuses on the foundations of heel, sit, and stay. Our program takes approximately 5-6 weeks to complete. Your dog stays at our facility during the training and at the end, your dog will demonstrate his new skills for you and you will also be trained on the commands and how to transition your dog home.
Gun Dog Training - $300 per Week (16-18 Week Average)
Trainers: Ron Garringer, Christen Butler
Stillwater Kennel's specialty is Gun Dog Training. We train the old fashioned way which takes a little longer but results in a steady dog, ready and willing to be in the field daily. The four month program focuses on basic obedience skills, force breaking, retrieving up to triple marks, and being steady in the field, blind, and boat. Your dog stays at our facility during the training and you are invited to visit and watch a demonstration each month to see the progress that has been made.
Board & Train - $1,500 Total (3 Week)
Trainers: Christen Butler
This is our most popular program! If your dog needs to learn some indoor manners in addition to outdoor obedience training, then Stillwater Kennel's Board & Train program is right for you. The three week program includes basic good indoor manners such as no jumping, no begging, "go to bed", and teaches other good manners such as to not jump up on the furniture. We will also focus on walking on a leash as well as outdoor recall. Your dog will live in our home - not housed in a kennel - during the entire time.
Advanced Gun Dog Training - $300 per Week (16-18 Week Average)
Trainers: Ron Garringer, Christen Butler
After completion of basic Gun Dog Training, dogs are eligible to attend and participate in Advanced Gun Dog Training with a focus on blind marks, hand signals, and more active handling by the owner in the field. Your dog stays at our facility during the three month program leading up to the hunting season and you are invited to visit and watch a demonstration each month to review progress.
Gun Dog Refresher Course - $400 per Week (Minimum 3 Weeks)
Trainers: Ron Garringer, Christen Butler
Rather than use up your first 4-5 visits to the duck blind, send your dog to Stillwater Kennel for 3-5 weeks (minimum is 3 weeks) of refresher training with real birds and hunting scenarios. If there are specific areas that need improvement, we can work with you on areas of concern to get your dog ready and in shape for the upcoming season.
Do-It-Yourself Dog Training - $50-100 per Session
Trainers: Ron Garringer, Christen Butler, Brian Risinger
If you have the ability to commit to your dog daily for training sessions, Stillwater Kennel would like to invite you to participate in Do-It-Yourself Dog Training. The benefits include being coached by professional trainers, access to real birds, and live hunting scenarios in various terrain. The program requires a commitment to attending monthly or bi-monthly training sessions.
Obedience Training Classes are $50 per 30-60 Minute Session
Retriever Training Classes are $50 per 1 Hour Session
Bird Dog / Pointer Training Classes are $100 per 1 Hour Session
Bird Dog / Pointer Birds Only Sessions are $50 for 30-45 minutes of field work