Call or Text: 636-358-2225
Email: office@stillwaterkennel.com
Stillwater Kennel & Game Farm

Stillwater Kennel Spring Open House
Saturday, June 7, 2014, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Come out to the farm and join us for an afternoon of FREE dog-friendly fun at Stillwater Kennel & Game Farm. Invite your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers and bring your dogs for an adventure and to see what else Stillwater Kennel has to offer.
RSVP is required for this free event by June 1 via our Contact Page or by phone, text, email, or Facebook.
NOTE: For safety purposes, LEASHES ARE REQUIRED for attendance.
NOTE: Although NOT required, you may also ant to bring a picnic blanket or camping style chairs.
In the event of EXTREME WEATHER (i.e. expected severe thunderstorms or 90+ degree temps), we will reschedule.

Hiking Trails & Scavenger Hunts
Perhaps one of the activities that is most widely anticipated are the multiple hiking trails with associated scavenger hunts. From a 1/3 mile accessible, no incline course up to a one mile, rugged terrain exercise including foot deep water crossings, these trails have something for everyone and every dog! Choose to walk one trail or all of them! Either way, your dog (and you!) will sleep well on Saturday night with all of the fresh air and good exercise. All participants who have RSVP'd will receive an email showing the hiking trail course so that you can plan your day at Stillwater Kennel. Bring your water shoes for the creek trail; bring a stroller or baby carrier for younger members of your group. Don't forget the bug spray and sunscreen!

Fun Obedience Obstacle Course
An easy obstacle course will be set up along with Instruction Signs along the way with requests for you to ask your dog to sit, lay down, stay, or do a fun trick like roll over or shake a paw. Start practicing now so that you can 'make the grade' while having fun!

Best Dog Trick Contest
One of the most fun things to do with a dog is to work with them and teach them tricks. We want to celebrate what you have taught your dog to do with the Best Dog Trick Contest. Can he roll over? Play dead? Shake a hand? Toss a biscuit from his nose? Beg? Dance? Sit pretty? Both participants and winners will earn extra raffle tickets to win great prizes! Start practicing now in order to be ready for June 7!

Snacks & Treats for People & Dogs
Stillwater Kennel will be catering a menu of campfire inspired foods for our two legged guests! Load your hot dog up with tasty condiments. Plan to eat near the headquarters at picnic tables or bring along your picnic blanket and plan your late lunch excursion under the perfect shade tree along one of the many hiking trails. Other portable goodies will be available to choose from and take with you in your lunch bag. Drinks will also be provided so you don't have to bring your own cooler - it's on us!
The canine menu will include an assortment of biscuits and treats to take along on your hike and picnic.

Tennis Ball "Hunt"
Be ready for an unusual "hunt" where the quarry is a tennis ball! Nearly 100 tennis balls will be the "gold treasure" for your pup to find in the thick grasses along the Grassland Trail. Plan to find as many as you can and hide them for the next dog but be sure to take one home with you. They will be easy to find with a puppy's nose ... all tennis balls will be scented with the favorite smells of real chicken, beef, and bacon!

Professional Photographer
We are beyond excited to partner with Wagner Portrait Group who will be photographing the event as well as coordinating outdoor family portraits to include YOUR dog! What a great opportunity for a new family photo - and one that includes EVERY member of the family. Wagner Portrait Group is a dog-loving, family owned and operated business that is the largest independent photography company in the Midwest and has been serving our communities for over 30 years. If you haven't yet RSVP'd, please do so! We will be sending details regarding Photography Specials via email during the week of June 1. Invite all of your family and friends - see you there!

Overnight Camping
One of the newest additions to pet friendly amenities at Stillwater Kennel includes the Overnight Camping facilities. We are accepting reservations and have two vacancies for the evening of June 7. With two sites available, this could be a great opportunity to check it out and stay the night. Call or email to make your reservations or go to the Park Page for more information.
Door Prizes & Giveaways
All Open House Participants will receive a goody bag at check in and through additional participation in the above activities will earn raffle tickets. The more you participate, the more raffle tickets you will earn. Prizes will include small items such as baseball caps and coffee mugs as well as gift certificates to Stillwater Kennel, real hunting opportunities, and other great prizes! RSVP Today!!